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Day 35 O Pedrouzo to Santiago de Compostela

Tuesday 11th June 2013

20 km - 4.5 hrs


Could this really be the last stage? After all we had been to it was hard to believe it was coming to an end, but I think by this stage we were ready! The weather was atrocious.... wet, misty, rainy etc which put a bit of a dampener on our triumphal entry into Santiago de Compostela.




Digby, Jane & Mick

Monte de Gozo

Porta do Camino

Final destination... the cathedral and Hospideria San Martin Pinario

Andreus, Lena, Digby and Jane arriving

Andreus, Lena, Franz, Digby and Jane



Franz, Andreus, Mick, Jane & Lena (Photo by Digby)

Drinks in the Parador (L to R) Seung Yun Lee, Susan, Digby, Jane and Mick

Franz, Digby, Jane & Mick


Accommodation Notes


Since I was ahead of schedule I had to change my hotel booking. Unfortunately there was no space available in Hotel San Clemente, so I stayed for three nights at Hospederia San Martin Pinario, next to the Cathedral.




Checking in at San Martin Pinario



The refectory, where Perigrino Specials are served for lunch and dinner